“An Argentinian Crime 2022” is a tense and gritty film set in the bleak backdrop of Buenos Aires. The plot follows an emotionally distant detective as he investigates a maze-like web of corruption, greed and betrayal. Using his wits like a hunter stalking prey, he gradually uncovers a dark underworld of criminality that threatens to consume him whole. Every step he takes feels like walking on eggshells, as the stakes grow higher and the danger more palpable. With its unrelenting tension and raw authenticity, “An Argentinian Crime 2022” will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
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George Orwell was hailed as one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. Known for his political writings, he was also an astute cultural critic. In today’s article, we delve into the realm of cinema and review one of the most talked-about movies in recent months: “An Argentinian Crime.”
The movie is based on a true event that occurred in Argentina in 1965. The story revolves around a man named Arquimedes Puccio, who along with his family kidnapped and murdered several people for financial gain. The movie follows the police investigation that ultimately led to Puccio’s arrest.
Director Pablo Trapero brings to life this gripping story with masterful pacing and engaging storytelling. The plot unravels at just the right pace, keeping the audience engaged throughout.
What sets “An Argentinian Crime” apart is its casting. Each actor delivers an Oscar-worthy performance. Guillermo Francella plays Arquimedes Puccio with chilling accuracy, bringing out every nuance of his character’s twisted psyche.
Lili Popovich delivers an equally impressive performance as Arquimedes’ wife Epifania, portraying her as a woman caught between loyalty to her husband and her conscience.
The cinematography is another standout aspect of this movie. The camera work expertly captures the mood and atmosphere prevalent during those times in Argentina. It transports you back to 1980s Buenos Aires where violence and corruption were rampant.
The haunting score by Julian Apezteguia adds to the overall sense of foreboding that permeates throughout the film.
The movie does not shy away from showing disturbing scenes of violence and torture. However, these are not gratuitous scenes but rather serve to reinforce the brutality that Arquimedes Puccio was capable of inflicting upon his victims.
Perhaps what truly sets “An Argentinian Crime” apart is its historical significance. The events depicted in the movie are not just fictional dramas but rather a reflection of the reality experienced by many in Argentina during that era.
The movie has garnered critical acclaim and has been praised for its realistic portrayal of an important period in Argentine history. It has won multiple awards, including the Silver Lion at the Venice Film Festival.
In conclusion, “An Argentinian Crime” is a must-watch for anyone interested in political thrillers or historical dramas. With its superb acting, cinematography, and storytelling, it will leave you on the edge of your seat until the very end. George Orwell would have undoubtedly appreciated this movie’s authenticity and relevance to today’s society.
Technical Data
- Runtime : 113
- Release : 2022-08-25
- Genre : Thriller
- Cast : Nicolás Francella as Antonio Gonzalez Rivas, Matías Mayer as Carlos Torres, Malena Sánchez as María Bussato, Darío Grandinetti as Márquez, Alberto Ajaka as Cerbera
- Crew : Sebastián Pivotto as Writer, Juan Pablo Buscarini as Producer, Catalina Oliva as Art Direction, Peter Bevan as Executive Producer, Jorge Bechara as Writer
- Popularity 14.33
- Budget : 0
- Revenue : 0
- Company : Mediabyte, Particular Crowd, Pampa Films
- Summary : Rosario in the 80s. The disappearance of a man during the military dictatorship. Two young people from the court must do everything possible to solve the case while facing police corruption and various dangers that put their lives at risk.
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