May 2023

The Human Stain 2003 Full Movie English Subtitles

“The Human Stain 2003” is a gripping drama about secrets and consequences. A retired professor, played by Anthony Hopkins, grapples with the...

The Raid Full Movie English Subtitles

“The Raid” is a wildly intense Indonesian action film, following a group of SWAT officers as they storm a gang-ridden apartment complex. The...

Jack 1996 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Jack 1996” is a heartwarming and comedic story of a boy who ages four times faster than normal. Jack, played by Robin Williams, faces chall...

Love Hostel 2022 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Love Hostel 2022” is a thrilling crime drama set in a remote Indian village. The film follows the intersecting paths of three young people ...

Victor Crowley 2017 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Victor Crowley 2017” is a gruesome horror movie about a legendary swamp monster. A group of people accidentally awakens the vengeful spirit...

After the Sunset 2004 Full Movie English Subtitles

After the Sunset is a heist film that follows a retired thief, Max Burdett, and his partner-in-crime, Lola Cirillo. The duo is lured back in...

Decadencia 2015 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Decadencia 2015” is a film that depicts the descent of a group of friends into hedonism and self-destruction. The characters are like moths...

Affinity 2008 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Affinity 2008” is a movie about a Victorian-era prison, where a young woman named Margaret Prior becomes infatuated with one of the inmates...

Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning 2021 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Rurouni Kenshin: The Beginning” is a samurai movie that tells the origin story of the titular character’s journey from assassin to protecto...

Boogie Nights 1997 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Boogie Nights 1997” is a film about the rise and fall of a young porn star named Dirk Diggler. He enters the industry, rises to fame, but u...

Scared to Death 1980 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Scared to Death 1980” is a horror movie about a woman who is tormented by the ghost of her husband. She is trapped in a world of terror and...

Little 2019 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Little 2019” is a comedy about a powerful woman who transforms into her younger self, just like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. Wit...

Coneheads 1993 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Coneheads” (1993) is a wacky sci-fi comedy about a family of cone-shaped aliens who crash-land on Earth and struggle to fit in with humans....

An Argentinian Crime 2022 Full Movie English Subtitles

“An Argentinian Crime 2022” is a tense and gritty film set in the bleak backdrop of Buenos Aires. The plot follows an emotionally distant de...

The Game Plan 2007 Full Movie English Subtitles

A tough football player’s life is suddenly turned upside down when he discovers he has a daughter and must learn to balance fatherhood, fame...

Fear Street: 1978 2021 Full Movie English Subtitles

“Fear Street: 1978” is a blood-soaked summer camp slasher flick that blends the tension of “Friday the 13th” with the character-driven drama...